Things are really ramping up here at DPSII as we are preparing for many big milestones in the development process for Sit-Back Attack.
Here is a list of all significant dates:
Within the next week we will be going into CLOSED beta
Will be looking for streamers interested in beta testing
Public Demo releasing February 2nd
Public Demo will be available on the DPSII website
Idler Fest: From February 3rd until February 10th
Steam Next Fest: February Edition: from February 24th until March 3rd
Things are going smoothly and we will provide updates as we get them! Keep up-to-date with all game updates, blog post, events and GIVEAWAYS at: X: https://x.com/DPSIIGames
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dpsiigames/
Website: https://dpsii.com
Discord: https://discord.gg/r26yxjeUBH
Wish-list and follow Sit-Back Attack on steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/3092260/SitBack_Attack/
Secret code for Blade Chimera on steam giveaway: Xi93zMn For all events and giveaways check https://www.dpsii.com/events-giveaways