Hey there all, we wanted to take a moment from developing and publishing to talk about who we are and what you should expect from us. DPSII is a growing development and publication service in the information innovation sector.
Contact us at games@dpsii.com for publication opportunities! Terms for publications:
We will publish your game entirely for FREE!
Nothing is required except permission from you to advertise your games on our platforms as your publisher.
Credit us as your publisher.
Stapleton began developing games more than 10 years ago and frankly put marketing on the backburner. As many of you could presume, that caused his projects to stagnate. The results of which was the creation of DPSII.

While we had a product worth selling, marketing was an entire beast in itself. Coding a beautiful world full of interaction and lore is a difficult thing to do. The last thing anyone wants to do after overcoming such a tremendous challenge is market it.
Marketing is not easy, nor straight forward. In fact most developers we talk to agree, marketing can be harder than development at times! You can produce top tier content day in and day out. But if your audience is not seeing it, well its all for nothing then.
So we're spending the time, consistently giving back to our community in an attempt to create stronger bonds. Our hope is more then just creating a following. We want to curate a place where ALL indie developers can promote their product without a million hurdles to jump.
Make sure to follow us on socials or ♥️BOOKMARK⭐️ our site to keep up-to-date on game updates, blog post, events and giveaways:
Website: https://dpsii.com
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dpsiigames/
Discord: https://discord.gg/r26yxjeUBH